Massage: For Comfort and Healing

When most people think of massage, they think of an indulgent experience that you undergo when you want to relax. This is certainly not incorrect. Massages can be very relaxing, and they do make you feel pampered. But they can do a lot more than that. Massages can help heal sore and injured muscles, and they can alleviate stress, which helps fight a huge array of ailments, from insomnia to poor digestion. The more you learn about massage and its benefits, the more amazing it becomes. Start learning by reading some of the many massage-related articles here on our website.

Elements That A Stretch Therapy Session May Include


Whether you're someone who takes pride in keeping active or you're sedentary and are discouraged about feeling so stiff, some sessions with an assisted stretch therapist may be a useful idea to explore. Stretching on your own can often be a challenge. You may struggle to get the motivation to stretch for a short period of time, and it's also possible that you aren't confident about how to perform certain stretches properly so that you don't hurt yourself. An assisted stretch therapist can listen to your needs and then create a session specifically for you. Here are some elements that your stretch therapy session may include.

Gentle Warmup

Your session will frequently begin with a gentle warmup, as this is a good way to loosen your muscles a little. Warming up your muscles will not only allow you to perform deeper stretches but will also dramatically reduce the risk of you sustaining an injury. Your therapist will guide you through a handful of gentle warmup exercises that are geared toward your level of fitness. This list could include walking in place, jogging in place, performing jumping jacks, and other similar activities.

Assisted Stretching

Your therapist will help you to perform a wide range of stretches that will benefit different parts of your body. For example, if you have tight hamstrings that occasionally give you trouble when you're exercising, your therapist will target this area. Typically, you'll lie on your back and raise one leg. The therapist will kneel close to the elevated leg and gently push it toward your torso while you hold the leg straight. You can indicate when you feel a solid stretch, and your therapist will then hold your leg in that position for several seconds to help loosen the muscle. They'll then repeat this stretch with your other leg.

Discussion About Props

Using props can be an effective way to achieve certain stretches that may be difficult. Your therapist will often introduce you to some simple props, including bands and foam blocks, that you may wish to use to perform some stretches on your own. Lots of therapists will encourage you to work on certain stretches between sessions. A short tutorial on how to make certain stretches easier with the help of props may make you feel empowered to tackle them yourself before your next session. Contact an assisted stretch therapist for more information and details.


19 July 2021