Massage: For Comfort and Healing

When most people think of massage, they think of an indulgent experience that you undergo when you want to relax. This is certainly not incorrect. Massages can be very relaxing, and they do make you feel pampered. But they can do a lot more than that. Massages can help heal sore and injured muscles, and they can alleviate stress, which helps fight a huge array of ailments, from insomnia to poor digestion. The more you learn about massage and its benefits, the more amazing it becomes. Start learning by reading some of the many massage-related articles here on our website.

3 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep


If you have not been sleeping that well or you're tired of waking up and still feeling tired, you can make some changes to your lifestyle in order to ensure that you get enough sleep when you go to bed.

#1: Get Regular Massages

One of the changes that you can make to your life is getting a regular massage. Getting a massage can help your body relax and release stress hormones that can cause you to stay awake at night. If you are sore and have aches and pains in your body, there are a variety of different professional massage techniques, such as a deep tissue massage that you can consider. Dealing with and relieving your aches and pains can help you fall asleep at night.

Additionally, getting a massage can help stimulate sleep hormones, allowing you to better fall asleep. Find a massage therapist you enjoy working with, let them know about the sleep and body issues you are dealing with, and set-up regular appointments. Once a month is great, but twice might be enough to enjoy a more peaceful sleep.

#2: Schedule Your Sleep

Your body likes rhythms and patterns, so you may find it easier to fall asleep if you develop a sleep schedule, where you go to bed and wake up within the same half-hour time period every day. Although it can be tempting to sleep in or stay up late on your days off, setting a sleep schedule and sticking to it can help your body get into a routine. This can help you more easily fall asleep within minutes of going to bed, and naturally waking up in the morning without an alarm clock.

#3: Turn Off Your Electronics

The third thing you need to do is turn off your electronics about an hour before you get ready to go to bed. For example, put your phone down for the last time and turn off the television. The light from the screen of your electronics can prompt you to stay awake. 

Instead, use the hour before you go to bed to establish a non-electronic cool-down for your day. Take a shower or a bath, brush your teeth, and wash your face. Take off your regular clothing and put on some comfy pajamas. You could also pick up a book or magazine and read a little bit. Or use a physical planner to write down what you did that day and plan for the upcoming day. Find some activities that you enjoy doing that don't involve electronics and helps you relax and unwind before you go to sleep.

If you want to get better sleep, you can set a sleep schedule, turn off your electronics an hour before bed, and start relaxing. You can also take care of your body by getting a massage on a regular basis, which can help you manage pain and stress that can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.


4 March 2020